Quintero y Hermano Overview
Quintero y Hermano cigars are one of Cuba's best-kept secrets. These cigars deliver a classic yet unassuming Cuban cigar experience at a fraction of the cost of other more famous Cuban cigars. Offering rich and flavorful profiles at a great value makes the Quintero brand an easy choice for anyone searching for a budget-friendly everyday Cuban smoke.
The brand was founded in 1924 by Agustin Quintero and his four brothers. They built a factory in Cienfuegos on Cuba's south coast in the Remedios region, an area famous for tobacco cultivation. The brand rose in popularity until the Castro regime's nationalization program relegated Quintero cigars to machine-made smokes. Luckily, the 2000s saw a reworking of Cuba's cigar industry, and once again, Quintero cigars were completely handmade using Tripa Corta or short filler leaves.
Quintero y Hermano Cigar Style
Quintero cigars are versatile smokes connoisseurs, and casual enthusiasts alike can depend on to deliver an affordable Cuban cigar smoking experience that is rich tasting, medium-bodied and approachable. Flavors you'll encounter upon lighting a Quintero cigar include earth, natural tobacco, leather, nut, cream, and spice.
Quintero y Hermano Products
Quintero cigars are amongst the rare few not made in Havana, with tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta assembled in Cienfuegos. This gives the cigars a unique personality not found in other Cuban cigars. Quintero Brevas, Londres Extra, and Nacionales are just a few of the options from the Quintero line-up that make affordable alternatives to other famous Cuban brands, such as Montecristo or Partagas.
Test your tastebuds with the power and majesty of Quintero y Hermano cigars. Shop these genuine Cubans and more at Finest Cigars today.