Ramon Allones

Ramon Allones
  1. Special Price 63.00 USD Regular Price 84.00 USD
  2. Special Price 261.00 USD Regular Price 326.00 USD
  1. Ramon Allones Gigantes
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    Special Price 63.00 USD Regular Price 84.00 USD
  2. Ramon Allones Specially Selected
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    Special Price 261.00 USD Regular Price 326.00 USD


Ramon Allones Overview

Ramon Allones cigars are for the cigar lover that prefers a bold smoke with deep complexity that retains smoothness from start to finish. Renowned for their often-powerful strength, Ramon Allones cigars are multi-faceted smokes that strike a beautifully structured balance between body and taste. This is why connoisseurs around the world covet Ramon Allones cigars.

The Ramon Allones brand was founded by brothers Ramon and Antonio Allones in 1837, making it one of the oldest surviving cigar brands. The brothers' brought innovation to the cigars of the day by being the first to enhance cigar box art with lithographs and the first to use the 8-9-8 cigar boxing method. Throughout the brand's other innovations and long history, Ramon Allones cigars have changed hands on numerous occasions yet always rise to the top of any discussion about Cuba's most thrilling cigar experiences. 

Ramon Allones Cigar Style

Ramon Allones cigars are full-flavored and highly sophisticated treats that, while catered to experienced aficionados, are easily approachable for those wanting to venture into the more robust side of Cuban cigars. Many fans of Partagas cigars are drawn to the Ramon Allones brand as it offers familiar flavor profiles with an uptick in body and strength. 

Ramon Allones Products

As with many other Cuban brands, Ramon Allones features a variety of special edition and regional cigars. However, the Ramon Allones brand is unique in that it offers just three regular production vitolas: the 4 7/8" x 50 Specially Selected, 4 3/8" x 42 Small Club Coronas, and the massive 7 5/8" x 49 Gigantes. While the regular production line-up numbers only these three cigars, Ramon Allones stands as a Cuban legend aspired to by cigar lovers worldwide.

Test your tastebuds with the power and majesty of Ramon Allones cigars. Shop these genuine Cubans and more at Finest Cigars today.