Rafael Gonzalez
Rafael Gonzalez Overview
Flor de Rafael Gonzalez Marquez, or simply Rafael Gonzalez, cigars are hidden gems amongst Cuba's vast cigar catalog. These tantalizing cigars offer smooth and flavorful smokes that are neither strong nor oversized in diameter or length. Connoisseurs wanting a more affordable alternative to more famous Cuban favorites turn to Rafael Gonzalez cigars every day for quality, balance, and taste.
The Rafael Gonzalez brand emerged out of the 1930s and, after various name changes, has continued to provide deliciously inviting Cuban cigar experiences. The unique Rafael Gonzalez character results from fine tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo, Cuba's famous tobacco-growing region of Pinar Del Rio.
Rafael Gonzalez Cigar Style
Rafael Gonzalez cigars can range from mellower to full-bodied yet are always smooth and balanced to the end. Supple chocolate, leather, wood, pepper, and coffee flavors fill out the Rafael Gonzalez expression. Nutty and floral hints are perceptible on the nose and palate throughout every Rafale Gonzalez experience, which concludes with a memorably harmonious finish. The result is a refined and joyously satisfying Cuban cigar escape at a great value.
Rafael Gonzalez Products
Rafael Gonzalez cigars are famous for their sophisticated, more compact cigar sizes favored by experienced connoisseurs. The Rafael Gonzalez Lonsdale is the most famous, being the first cigar to use the Lonsdale name to describe a cigar vitola. The Panatelas Extra is another unique favorite within the brand as it features short filler tobaccos instead of the long fillers usually found in Rafael Gonzalez cigars. No matter the size, Rafael Gonzalez cigars are superbly entertaining smokes perfectly suited for pairing with a wide range of beverages, including coffee, ales, spirits, or aperitifs.
Test your tastebuds with the power and majesty of Rafael Gonzalez cigars. Shop these genuine Cubans and more at Finest Cigars today.